Jarred, Happy 31st Birthday to you. Thanks for being such a great husband and Daddy. We are two of the luckiest girls. You truly make this life so enjoyable, there is not a dull day in our house. You are the best daddy....you are so great with Ava. Your love for her amazes me. I think you both will always have a special bond, and to me there is nothing more special. I hope your day is awesome. I think this is going to be a special year for you! I love you and I am so proud of you!
Ava, Happy 1st Birthday to you. You are so fun. Everyday gets better and better. I am so thankful that God gave you to us! You will always be our biggest blessing.
What you are up to these days:
- You are walking everywhere. There is no stopping you now, your on the move.
- You say Mama, DaDa, and Oh Oh
- You are in mostly 12 month clothes, but you can still wear 6-9 months also. You are petite. You weigh 19 pounds and still wear a size 3 diaper.
- My most favorite thing you do is your big smile with your nose crinkled. This makes my heart so happy.
- You sleep from 9 to around 7:30-8
- You still have only the two teeth on the bottom. When are more coming?