Thought I would share (in pictures) some fun we have been having. And to think we still have so much more fun to come. I am giddy!
Up first, some fun at the pumpkin patch. Well, maybe fun for Carson. Not so much for Ava. Long story, but not my proudest mommy moment trying to take these pictures. Oh well, Old McDonald Farm worker's I promise my girl is usually not this bratty and I do love her. Laughing....

Then some fun at Ava's besties birthday party. Aubree, you are the cutest Hula girl ever!

Jeff and Alecia always have the best pumpkin carving parties. Ava was really into using her knife. At least this year she didn't put it in her mouth. I guess this mommy took the hint to watch her child carefully when a knife is involved. It may also be because I am almost another year wiser.

Here the little pumpkin and I are at 27 weeks.

And finally, we are in decorating mode now. Emma's furniture has arrived.

Not the best picture from my phone but you get the idea. Now to decide if I want to paint the room and if so what color?!?
What a fun month. With oh so much more to come. October you Rock!