Happy 4 months to my sweet girl!
What you are up to:
You have been a constant JOY to us! We have loved every minute of these 4 months. It is so hard to believe that you blessed our lives 4 short months ago. Please stop growing so fast, it makes mommy sad! I love being your mommy! I could not be happier!
I love you booger bear!
What you are up to:
- Still in 3 month clothes
- You wear size 1 diapers
- You are rolling over!!
- Still hate tummy time. Mommy is sorry, but we need to work on this!
- Starting to try to sit up....we think you are going to do this early
- Still love your play mat
- You suck your thumb all the time now...forget the paci!
- Love being outside
- You now notice and grab the dogs. It is so cute. The other day while I was reading to you, you grabbed Sophie's hair and held it.
- You are constantly drooling. We wonder if you are going to get a tooth soon. Your daddy got one at 4 months.
- You sleep through the night. This morning you slept until 9:30am.
- You are always happy. When you cry, it is because something is wrong.
- When you smile you crinkle your nose.
- You love all the silly noises your Daddy makes. He plays rocket with you and this makes you laugh out loud.
- You are beautiful. You still look like your Daddy.
You have been a constant JOY to us! We have loved every minute of these 4 months. It is so hard to believe that you blessed our lives 4 short months ago. Please stop growing so fast, it makes mommy sad! I love being your mommy! I could not be happier!
I love you booger bear!