Happy Six Months Sweet Baby Girl!
Where has the time gone? Has it already been 6 months? You have grown so fast right before our eyes. I can't believe that in 6 more months we will be having a first birthday party. This last few weeks you have gotten to be so fun. I love your little personality. You are always happy and content and most of the time you have a big smile on your face. I love you more and more everyday!What you are up to:
- We have started cereal/foods are you are NOT a fan. It even makes you gag. Sorry sweetie, but you can't have breast milk forever!
- You love Baby Einstein just like your cousin Nathan! (I think it runs in the family)
- You have started laughing, I mean really laughing. It is so funny to listen, it just cracks us up.
- You sit all by yourself.
- You still love your exersauser
- You wear 3-6 month clothes
- You weigh 14 lbs 12 oz (25-50%)
- You length is 26 1/2 inches (75%) You might be tall like your daddy
- You are Daddy's girl! Your whole face lights up when he is in the room.
We love you! We are a constant JOY to us! Happy 6 months Miss Priss!